
With the support of Landcare and John Topp of Gippsland Indigenous Plants we have now reintroduced more than 4000 native trees and grasses.

Research shows that there are wide-ranging benefits of revegetation. Learn more about the research and goals underpinning our revegetation work.

Our Methods

Several different methods have been employed to return native plants to Fernlea.

Seedlings have been purchased or obtained through grants and manually planted in focused areas. Since the 2020 bushfires, obtaining seedlings this way has become more difficult.

Seeds have been purchased and harvested. These have been planted on the property via the following methods:

  • direct seeding
  • direct planting
  • seedling generation and transplantation (if you would like to help us grow seedlings, click here to contact us)

Our Timeline

2018: Our first planting in July 2018 was a community effort involving Landcare representatives and an army of volunteers.

2019: A second smaller planting in August 2019 aimed at combating erosion along the watercourse also provided a chance to record the progress of our 2018 planting one year on.

2020: Covid got in the way of our 2020 plans but we still had an opportunity to look at the progress of our previous plantings and were pleased to also see some spontaneous new growth.

2021: Another year of Covid restrictions slowed our progress but by the end of 2021 we had managed two other plantings in an area away from the watercourse gully. Previous plantings had made significant progress and new native regrowth was abundant. We were excited to find rare and uncommon plants making an appearance, such as the native wire lily and wedding bush.

2022: In 2022 we have already seen further planting around the perimeter of the property. Rains have accelerated growth of seedlings and we are seeing the germination of seeds planted around the property over the past year.

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